WUE Tuition Savings
Click to view: WUE Four-Year Universities | WUE Two-Year Colleges | WUE Savings Finder.wiche.edu
Q. Looking to save money on out-of-state tuition?
Q. Searching for acceptance into a competitive or impacted major?
Q. Ready to explore a new part of the Western U.S.?
Resident students from the following states and U.S. Territories may be awarded WUE tuition scholarships if they meet certain eligibility requirements. College transfer students are also eligible!
- Alaska

- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- Oregon
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
- Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
- Guam
Tuition Rates
Sample of current published WUE yearly Tuition Rates for California Students based on 2021 (exclusive of specialized fees):
- University of Idaho – $8,019
- Northern Arizona University – $15,057
- Boise State – $7565
- University of Hawaii, Hilo – $10,800
- University of Montana, Billings – $6596
- Colorado State University, Pueblo – $15,023
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas – $9698
- New Mexico State University – $7,929
Please note: COSI College Fairs does not represent WUE and is unable to answer emails regarding WUE. Should you have questions, please visit the WUE website directly.
Search: To search for your major and see a complete list of WUE institutions please visit: Wue Savings Finder.wiche.edu
WUE Brochure
What is WUE, and how does it work?
Founded in 1987, the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE, pronounced “woo-ee”) is a regional tuition-discount agreement administered by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). WUE enables students from one of 16 WICHE states and territories in the Western U.S. to enroll as nonresidents in 160+ participating public colleges and universities and pay 150 percent (or less) of the enrolling school’s resident tuition—which annually saves students an average of $9,000 – $10,000 each on the cost of non-resident tuition.
How do I apply for reduced WUE tuition, and what are the WUE admissions requirements?
If you’re a resident of one of WICHE’s 16 member states/U.S. territories (CNMI and Guam), you may be eligible for reduced tuition rate offered at 160+ participating WUE schools. Apply directly to your chosen WUE college or university (and not to WICHE itself). Some schools have special eligibility requirements or annual WUE admission quotas, found in that school’s WUE profile. If you still have questions, contact the school’s office that administers WUE (admissions, financial aid, or the scholarship office), as indicated on the profile. Some schools automatically consider applicants from a WICHE state for the WUE rate, but many require that applicants request the WUE rate when applying for admission. Check to see if they have a special WUE application. Search for a WUE school
What about transfer students?
The majority of WUE schools accept transfer students, but some only offer the WUE rate to first-year students. Certain schools offer limited majors at the WUE rate to transfer students. Check your chosen school’s profile on the WUE Savings Finder to find out if they offer WUE to transfer students.
If I’m awarded WUE discount tuition, how long is that rate good for, and must I reapply each year?
Most institutions extend the WUE rate to a student for that school’s typical minimum graduation interval (two years for an associate’s degree program, four years for a bachelor’s degree program). Some also require a minimum credit load each term. Some institutions require that you reapply each year; check directly with your school and follow their rules. You must maintain good academic standing to keep the WUE rate.
What, exactly, is my WUE tuition cost? What would I save compared to paying full nonresident tuition?
Each WUE school’s tuition is different, and some schools discount WUE tuition even more than the 150 percent of resident tuition threshold. A helpful illustration: If Best Western University’s resident tuition is $10,000 for the academic year, then your WUE rate would be $15,000 ($10,000 x 1.5). If their nonresident tuition is $25,000, then you’d save $10,000 ($25,000 – $15,000). Estimated savings are posted on each school’s WUE profile; you can get precise up-to-date figures directly from your enrolling WUE school what, exactly, is my WUE tuition cost? What would I save compared to paying full nonresident tuition?
Do I automatically get the WUE rate?
No. The reduced WUE rate is not automatically awarded to all eligible candidates. Even if you meet the institution’s WUE admissions criteria (which may be more rigorous than its regular admissions criteria), there are no guarantees. Many institutions limit the number of new WUE awards each academic year, so apply early and be sure to request the WUE rate when applying for admission
I’ve been admitted to a WUE school, but haven’t received word about a WUE discounted rate. What should I do?
Check-in directly with your chosen school’s relevant office (admissions, scholarships, or financial aid), whose contact information can be found in the WUE Savings Finder.
Where can I find the WUE application?
There is no central WUE application. Some WUE institutions have their own WUE application. If they do not, make sure that you indicate you want to be considered for the WUE tuition rate somewhere on the application.
If I am not from a member state, am I still eligible to enroll as a WUE student?
No. Only residents of WICHE’s 15 member states qualify. They are: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. There are programs similar to WUE in other regions. If you are in the mid-west, visit http://www.mhec.org. If you are in the southern United States, visit http://www.sreb.org/. And if you are in the northeast, visit http://www.nebhe.org/.
Which institutions participate in WUE?
Some 145 state-funded community colleges and universities located in the WICHE region participate in WUE. To find out whether or not an institution that you’re interested in participates in WUE, If your destination institution is not listed, then it does not participate in WUE.
Can I establish residency in the state where I’m enrolled, while I’m paying the WUE rate?
No. If you want to build time towards establishing residency in another state, schools require you to pay the full nonresident tuition until that residency is legally established. Residency policies vary by state (and college/university), so check with your school’s admissions or residency office for guidance.
I already have a bachelor’s degree (or an associate’s). Can I qualify for the WUE discount for a second undergraduate degree?
The WUE program is intended for first-degree undergraduates. However, an enrolling school may consider extending awarding WUE to a student pursuing a second undergraduate degree; contact your chosen school to find out.
Will WUE help me save if I’m enrolling at a public college or university in my home state?
No. Resident tuition in your home state is already less expensive than nonresident tuition, so the WUE discount—while valuable if you decide to study at a WUE school outside your home state—will not further subsidize your resident-tuition rate.
Do schools limit the number of WUE discounts they award?
Many schools do cap the number of WUE awards they issue each year or have earlier admissions deadlines for WUE students. For this reason, it’s important to apply for the WUE discount as early as possible; don’t wait to apply until the school’s final deadline for regular admission.
Do private institutions participate in WUE?
No, not at this time.
Must a student demonstrate financial need to receive the discounted WUE rate?
Most enrolling institutions do not require that applicants show financial need to receive the WUE rate, however, a few do. Check the institution’s WUE profile. If they ask you to complete a FAFSA, then it is possible that financial need may be selection a factor.
Do community colleges participate in WUE?
Most of our WICHE states’ public community colleges participate, but not all. California and Hawaii community colleges do not participate in WUE at this time. Most other states offer some associates degrees through WUE, either through their community colleges or through universities that award both bachelors and associates degrees.
University of Alaska Anchorage University of Alaska Fairbanks University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau Campus
Arizona State University / Downtown Arizona State University / Polytechnic Campus Arizona State University / West Campus Northern Arizona University Northern Arizona University, Yuma Campus University of Arizona University of Arizona South
Colorado Mesa University Colorado State University Colorado State University, Pueblo Metropolitan State College of Denver University of Colorado at Colorado Springs University of Colorado Denver University of Northern Colorado Western State College of Colorado
University of Hawaii at Hilo University of Hawaii at Manoa University of Hawaii Maui College
Boise State University College of Southern Idaho Idaho State University Lewis-Clark State College University of Idaho
Montana State University, Billings Montana State University, Bozeman Montana State University, Northern Montana Tech of the University of Montana University of Montana, Missoula University of Montana, Western
Nevada State College University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of Nevada, Reno
New Mexico
Eastern New Mexico University – Portales New Mexico Highlands University New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology New Mexico State University University of New Mexico Western New Mexico University
North Dakota
Dickinson State University Mayville State University Minot State University North Dakota State University University of North Dakota Valley City State University
Eastern Oregon University Oregon Institute of Technology Portland State University Southern Oregon University University of Oregon Western Oregon University
South Dakota
Black Hills State University Dakota State University Northern State University South Dakota School of Mines and Technology South Dakota State University University of South Dakota
Dixie State College of Utah Southern Utah University University of Utah Utah State University Utah Valley University Weber State University
Central Washington University Eastern Washington University Washington State University Western Washington University
University of Wyoming
Prince William Sound Community College
Arizona Western College Central Arizona College Chandler-Gilbert Community College Cochise College Coconino Community College Eastern Arizona College Estrella Mountain Community College Gateway Community College Glendale Community College Mesa Community College Mohave Community College Northland Pioneer College Paradise Valley Community College Phoenix College Pima Community College Rio Salado Community College Scottsdale Community College South Mountain Community College Yavapai College
Aims Community College Arapahoe Community College Colorado Northwestern Community College Community College of Aurora Community College of Denver Front Range Community College Lamar Community College Morgan Community College Northeastern Junior College Otero Junior College Pikes Peak Community College Pueblo Community College Red Rocks Community College Trinidad State Junior College
College of Southern Idaho North Idaho College
Dawson Community College Great Falls College MSU Helena College University of Montana Highlands College of Montana Tech Miles Community College Missoula College University of Montana
College of Southern Nevada Great Basin College Truckee Meadows Community College Western Nevada Community College
New Mexico
Eastern New Mexico University – Roswell New Mexico Junior College Northern New Mexico College Santa Fe Community College
Bismarck State College Dakota College at Bottineau Lake Region State College North Dakota State College of Science Williston State College
College of Eastern Utah Salt Lake Community College Snow College
Casper College Central Wyoming College Eastern Wyoming College Gillette College Laramie County Community College Northwest College Sheridan College Western Wyoming Community College